Using SingleShow for unique resources

Sometimes you will need to configure a "unique" resource that does not fit into a List / Show schema, like for instance an account, or a configuration item. To handle this kind of "unique" resource, Sharp provides a way to build SingleShows.


php artisan sharp:make:single-show <class_name> [--model=<model_name>]

Write the class

Instead of extending SharpShow, our SingleShow implementation should extend Code16\Sharp\Show\SharpSingleShow. We still have to implement buildShowFields() and buildShowLayout() to declare the fields presenting the instance, an optionally buildShowConfig(), but the find() method is different:

  • findSingle(): array, without any parameter because in a single case the functional code has to determine the instance on its side (based on the current user, for instance).

Single Commands

Declared Commands must also be implemented as single. Like for Shows, this only means extending a more specific abstract class: Code16\Sharp\EntityList\Commands\SingleInstanceCommand. The two differences with regular InstanceCommand are:

  • executeSingle(array $data = []): array, which does not take any $instanceId is parameter
  • authorize(): bool, in case you need to define an specific authorization, instead of authorizeFor($instanceId).

Single EntityState

Same for EntityState: in a SingleShow case, you must implement EntityState as a Code16\Sharp\EntityList\Commands\SingleEntityState, which differs a bit:

  • updateSingleState(string $stateId)
  • authorize(): bool

Linking a SingleShow to the main menu

SingleShow can of course be linked in the menu:


return [
    "entities" => [
        "account" => [
            "show" => AccountSingleSharpShow::class,
            "form" => AccountSingleSharpForm::class,
    "menu" => [
            "label" => "My account",
            "icon" => "fa-user",
            "entity" => "account",
            "single" => true

Nothing different on the entities part, but do note the "single" => true in the menu to tell Sharp to treat this entity as a SingleShow.

What if you need a Form?

Well, that's a SingleForm then.

Last Updated:
Contributors: antoine