Sharp's breadcrumb

Under the hood Sharp manages a breadcrumb to keep track of stacked pages.

Display the breadcrumb

A breadcrumb example

You can activate the breadcrumb display in sharp's configuration:

// config/sharp.php
return [
    "display_breadcrumb" => true,

Configure entity label

In the config, you can define how an entity should be labeled in the breadcrumb with the label attribute:

// config/sharp.php
return [
    "entities" => [
        "entity_spaceship" => [
            "list" => \App\Sharp\SpaceshipSharpList::class,
            "show" => \App\Sharp\SpaceshipSharpShow::class,
            "form" => \App\Sharp\SpaceshipSharpForm::class,
            "label" => "Spaceship"

Customize the label on an instance

In Forms and Shows, you can define which attribute should be used as the breadcrumb label, if you need to be specific.

// In a SharpShow or a SharpForm
function buildShowConfig(): void

As any attribute, you can use a dedicated custom transformer to valuate it as you want:

// In a SharpShow or a SharpForm
function find($id): array
    return $this
        ->setCustomTransformer("breadcrumb_label", function($role, $spaceship) {
            return sprintf("Spaceship %s", $spaceship->name);
Last Updated:
Contributors: antoine