Custom form field

On the front side

Creating the Vue component

Example of custom sharp field:

        <input class="SharpText" :value="value" @change="handleChanged">
        <i class="fa" :class="icon"></i>

    export default {
        props: {
            value: String, // field value
            icon: String   // custom added props (given in field definition)
        methods: {
            handleChanged(e) {
                this.$emit('input',; // emit input when the value change, form data is updated

Exposed Props

valuevalue of the field, required
fieldKeyfield key in the form
localecurrent locale, undefined if the form is not localized
uniqueIdentifierGlobal unique field identifier, corresponding to the laravel error key
...All other props given in the field definition

Listened events

inputUpdate the form data with the emitted value,
the force option will change the value even if the field is read-only
(value, { force: Boolean })

Register the custom field

Add sharp-plugin npm package to your project:

npm install -D sharp-plugin

Sharp plugin file

Add a separated .js file in your project to register fields components :


import Sharp from 'sharp-plugin';
import TextIcon from './components/TextIcon.vue';

Vue.use(Sharp, {
    customFields: {
        'textIcon': TextIcon

Important: The key must be 'textIcon' for FIELD_TYPE = "custom-textIcon"

Vue is exposed to the window scope, it's the current Vue version used by sharp (cf. package.json).


It's not recommended to use other Vue plugins in this file because it may change the behavior of the Sharp front-end.

Add to Laravel Mix


mix.js('/resources/assets/js/sharp-plugin.js', '/public/js')


The file name must be sharp-plugin.js in order to ensure Sharp will find it.

You can .version() this JS file if you want to.

On the back side

Activate custom fields in config

// config/sharp.php

"extensions" => [
   "activate_custom_fields" => true

// ...

Write the form field class and formatter

Next step is to build your form field class. It must extend Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\SharpFormField.

Here's an example:

class SharpCustomFormFieldTextIcon extends SharpFormField
    const FIELD_TYPE = "custom-textIcon";

    protected $icon;

    public static function make(string $key)
        return new static($key, static::FIELD_TYPE, new TextFormatter);

    public function setIcon(string $iconName)
        $this->icon = $iconName;

        return $this;

    protected function validationRules()
        return [
            "icon" => "required",

    public function toArray(): array
        return parent::buildArray([
            "icon" => $this->icon,

A few things to note:

  • The FIELD_TYPE const must be "custom-" + your custom field name, defined on the front side.
  • To respect the Sharp API, you must define a static make function with at least the field key; this function must call the parent constructor, passing the $key, the FIELD_TYPE and a Formatter, which can also be a custom one (see documentation and Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\Formatters\SharpFieldFormatter base class).
  • validationRules() implementation is optional, but advised.
  • the toArray() function is mandatory, and must call parent::buildArray() with additional attributes.

Use it

Next step is using the new form field:

in some Code16\Sharp\Form\SharpForm subclass:

function buildFormFields()
Last Updated: 10/7/2021, 10:46:05 AM
Contributors: antoine